Monday, 17 June

Putin suddenly proposed his 'peace plan': with a bunch of ultimatums
Putin said that Ukrainian troops must be completely withdrawn from the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions. He also mentioned Ukraine's neutral and non-nuclear status and the lifting of sanctions against Russia

Putin asked Xi not to go to Switzerland: details of the dictator's visit to China
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to refuse to participate in the Peace Summit

Putin does not allow his doubles to the bunkers: does the GUR know about the location of the dungeons
The representative of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine, Andriy Yusov said that intelligence officers know the locations of Russian dictator Putin's bunkers and noted that the Russian leader does not allow his doubles to enter his bunkers

Xi Jinping meets with Putin: main statements following the talks
Xi Jinping noted that his nation is ready to work with Russia as a good neighbour, friend and partner with mutual trust

Personnel changes in the Kremlin: ISW explains Putin's plans after Shoigu's dismissal
Russian dictator is taking significant steps to mobilise the Russian economy and defence industry to support the protracted war in Ukraine and possibly prepare for a future confrontation with NATO

Putin's "inauguration'': all the details about the position of Ukraine, the US and the EU
The United States, the United Kingdom and most EU countries will boycott Vladimir Putin's "inauguration" after the pseudo-elections, which the European Parliament has recognized as illegitimate

PACE made high-profile decisions regarding Putin, the Russian Orthodox Church and strikes on Russian refineries
PACE calls for the creation of an international compensation mechanism for victims of Russian aggression against Ukraine

War will come to Europe and the US if Ukraine fails - Zelensky calls for help for Ukrainians
Ukraine may not be able to withstand another Russian offensive without the support of its allies

What Putin and Lukashenko said about the terrorist attack in Crocus - ISW's explanation
Alexander Lukashenko said that the attackers on Crocus City Hall initially fled toward Belarus, not Ukraine

The only one of the EU and NATO leaders: Orban sends letter to Putin and congratulates him on "victory"
​Hungarian PM Viktor Orban has congratulated Russian dictator Vladimir Putin on his victory in the presidential election

After the "elections", Putin began to appeal more to the FSB: the ISW explained the change in rhetoric
Analysts say Putin’s appeals to the FSB functions likely sought to remind his domestic constituency that his regime has the backing of an extensive security apparatus, which the Kremlin has been attempting to expand

Russia's "partner" does not recognize Putin as president: Kremlin gets a new 'slap in the face'
The German Foreign Ministry has decided not to call Vladimir Putin "president" of Russia and to recognize the legitimacy of the Russian presidential election

"Elections" without a choice: how the world reacted to Putin's victory and who congratulated the dictator
European Union will not recognize the results of Russian sham elections

The result of Putin's pseudo-election was announced in Russia, the dictator made a number of statements after the "victory"
According to exit polls, Russian dictator Vladimir Putin received over 87% of the vote

It will be a threat even without Putin: Ukraine's ally "opened the eyes" of the West to Russia
​Latvian Foreign Minister said that Russia will be a threat for a long time to come, even if it is not led by Vladimir Putin

US responds to Putin's latest nuclear threats
The White House doesn't see any signs that Russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine

No agreement could be reached: what "peace" terms the Kremlin offered in April 2022
The Wall Street Journal analyzed the draft "peace" deal that Russia proposed in April 2022

Russia is preparing for a war with NATO: ISW points to an alarming signal
Putin signed two decrees to disband the Western Military District into two separate ones, which may be the potential preparation for a possible future large-scale war against NATO in the long term

'He's a crazy son of a b*tch': Biden spoke out about Putin in his campaign speech
U.S. President Joe Biden called Putin a "crazy son of a b*tch" and blamed him for Navalny's death

Putin killed him: Zelensky made a statement about Navalny's death
Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Putin killed Alexei Navalny and said the Russian dictator should "lose everything"